Reel Deel: Irish Blonde (Amber Ale)

Key Stats:

Brewery: Reel Deel

Beer Name: Irish Blonde

Country: Ireland

Style: 19A - American Amber Ale

ABV: 4.5%

Irish Blonde by Reel Deel

Aroma - —/12

Initially, I get an unfermented sweetness, like wort. There are certainly high caramel notes in the aroma. Upon a swirl, there is a phenolic, band-aid aroma; very plasticky. Unfortunately, that’s an off-flavour that it making this beer very hard to judge by style.

Low hop aroma, is mixed in with the high caramel and high phenols.

Appearance - —/3

Moderately opaque, deep amber beer with a moderate white frothy head that dissipates fairly quickly.

Flavour - —/20

Unfortunately, the off-flavour from aroma has carried into the flavour. What starts out as initially a grainy sweet beer is well infected with a band-aid, plastic, medicinal, phenolic flavour.

What I can taste is that the beer is balanced slightly to the sweet side, leaving not enough hop bitterness or flavour for the style.

Mouthfeel - —/5

The carbonation is medium-low, slightly under what the style demands. Unfortunately, I didn’t perceive much more as this was undrinkable.

Overall Impressions - —/10

What may very well be a good recipe seems to have been let down by bad brewing practice or an infection. Take care to clean everything, and be careful with bleach-based cleaners which can leave residues. Check your yeast health, and make sure your fermentation temperature is correct for the yeast and beer style.

Total: 13/50


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